Previous issues

Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies

volume 1 Issue 1 (2021)    


Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies

volume 1 Issue 2 (2021)     


Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies

  volume 1 Issue 3 (2022)     


Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies

volume 2 Issue 4 (2022)       


Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies

  volume 2 Issue 5 (2022)       


Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies

    volume 2 Issue 6 (2022)           


Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies

  volume 2 Issue 7 (2023)           


Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies

  volume 2 Issue 8 (2023)            


Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies

volume 3 Issue 9 (2023)


Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies

volume 3 Issue 10 (2023)


Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies

volume 4 Issue 11 (2024)
